Brand Resources
The Huobi ECO Chain logo is made up by a glyph and a lettermark. It is the universal signature in all of our communications.
To ensure consistency, please use the brand identity file provided by us according to the suggestions below. Please do not edit, change, distort
Please do not confuse our name, logo, logo or logo in any way that may mislead us.
Download Resource Suite
Horizontal Logos
These are the official Huobi ECO Chain Logos, these are the logos that are generally used
Huobi ECO ChainDark
Huobi ECO ChainLight
Glyph Logos
When space is limited, you can use only the brand glyphs
Huobi ECO ChainDark
Huobi ECO ChainLight
Other Resources
The commonly used token identification of Husd, HBTC, etc